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Cannoli Cones

You know what rocks? Cannoli. But you want to know what I do not have time for? Making my own shells. And you know what the perfect substitution for homemade shells is? You probably already guessed from the
pictures and title, but pretend to be surprised anyway, ok? Sugar cones!
These are great for serving at parties. You can do a variety of toppings. Dipping the cones in chocolate, coating them with chocolate chips or nuts, make a few different kinds!

Cannoli Cones


  • 1 lb. (16 oz) whole milk ricotta cheese (drained overnight)
  • 10 sugar cones
  • 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips (for dipping cones; optional)
  • 1/2-2/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips


  1. I recommend draining your ricotta overnight. I took a mixing bowl and laid a large mesh strainer on top, then a paper towel, followed by the ricotta and let it sit it the fridge overnight. You can also use a cheese cloth if you have one!
  2. If you want to dip your cones in melted chocolate, melt the semi-sweet chips in the microwave and dip! Place the cones in a glass or on wax paper to dry.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the drained ricotta, sugar, and the vanilla until well-combined. Stir in the mini chocolate chips. Use a piping bag or spoon the mixture into each cone. Serve (see note)!
  4. For serving, these are best served on the same day. While draining the ricotta helps keeps the cones from getting soggy, they can still get a little soggy. If you want to prep them earlier, make the filling the night before and then fill the cones the day you plan to serve them.

Souce http://eat-drink-love.com

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